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Selection of Journal Articles

Rathod, S., Phiri, P., Harris, S., Underwood, C., Thagadur, M., Padmanabi, U., Kingdon, D. (2013). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Psychosis can be adapted for minority ethnic groups: A randomised controlled trial. Schizophrenia Research 143 (2-3) 319-326.


Phiri, P., Rathod, S., Gobbi, M., Kingdon, D. (2013). Culture and Therapist-Self Disclosure


Rathod, S., Kingdon, D., Phiri, P., Gobbi, M. (2010). Developing culturally sensitive cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis for ethnic minority patients by exploration and incorporation of service users and health professionals’ views and opinions. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy Journal  (38) 5 Oct, p.511-533


Rathod, S., Phiri, P., Kingdon, D. (2010). Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Schizophrenia. Psychiatric Clinics of North America Journal (33) 5 Sept, p.527-536


Phiri, P., Kingdon, D. (2008) Les Therapies Cognitivo-Comportementales (TCC) Des Patients Atteints De Schizophrenie: Analsye De La Litterature {Cognitive Behaviour Therapy of Schizophrenia: Literature Review}. InterPsy, Revue Scientifique Janssen-Cilag, (10) Dec, p. 8-9


Rathod, S., Naeem, F., Phiri, P., Kingdon, D. (2008). Expansion of psychological therapies. British Journal of Psychiatry, 193: 256-257



Naeem, F., Phiri, P., Rathod, S., Kingdon, D. (2010). Using CBT with diverse patients: Working with South Asian Muslims. In Mueller et al Oxford Guide to Surviving as a CBT Therapist (ed.). OUP, Oxford.


Rathod, S., Kingdon, D., Pinninti, N., Turkington, D., Phiri, P. (2015). Cultural Adaptation of CBT for Serious Mental Illness. A Guide for Training and Practice. WILEY Blackwell, UK. 

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